Frequently asked questions.

1. Why is your company named HE+AL?

Our company name pronounced “HEAL” says what our product is, and describes what it does. The ‘HE’ stands for hemp, the ‘AL’ is for aloe, and the name represents the combination of the two. Also, both these plants have healing properties related to their function as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation agents in the human body.

2. What is hemp?

Hemp is a type of cannabis plant that can have very high levels of CBD but not enough of the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, that gives the feeling of being “high”. There are hundreds of cannabinoids in the cannabis plant with CBD being one of the most studied.

3. What is aloe?

Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot climates. Its leaf gel has been used in food and as medicine for centuries. 

4. What are the benefits of full-spectrum hemp

Like most plants, hemp contains flavonoids, terpenoids, and plant phenols. But the hemp plant is special because it's also packed with cannabinoids. There are decades of studies showing how all these compounds are effective antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. There has also been research suggesting that whole plant compounds including flavonoids, terpenoids, and cannabinoids work cooperatively in the human body to produce an entourage effect.  Our hemp contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids, with a much greater proportion of CBD than the other cannabinoids.

5. What are the benefits of aloe?

Studies show that polysaccharides in aloe vera gel promote gut health and can be effective in addressing conditions related to gut inflammation.

6. Is HE+AL legal in my state?

Yes. HE+AL powder meets the legal definition of "hemp" under the 2018 Federal Farm Bill, and as such is not a controlled substance under federal law.

7. How do I use your powder?

Mix with liquids such as tea, coffee, smoothies, etc. For best usage; mix the powder in room temperature water using a blender for about 30 seconds.

8. How much do I use?

One serving, or 0.125 grams (about ⅛ teaspoons), of our powder, contains 25 milligrams of CBD. Start with one serving and observe the effects. Then, based on your observations, adjust dosage up or down.

9. How long can I store it?

Store HE+AL powder in a dark, cool, dry location for four to six months. 

10. What are the benefits of water solubility?

Water soluble compounds are easier for the body to absorb.  So a water-based beverage made HE+AL powder has a higher bioavailability than any oil-based CBD tincture available on the market.